A short tale of Christmas and the spirit of giving, or the lack of it, emerges from the scriptorium. Hermitage and Wat must go to London to give the new King his Christmas present. Now that is not going to end well…Click here

Another Funny Book. Cwen cover jpeg double dagger shrunkIs there no end to the murderous goings on of medieval England? Hopefully not. Yet another Chronicle of Brother Hermitage is released into the wild. And this time Cwen is in the middle of it all. A fine young tapestrier with nimble fingers, an excellent eye for colour, great skill at the loom and some very peculiar relatives. Deceit, death, destruction and silliness; business as usual.


Available October 2017



It seems that the fellow who insists he is my agent has been going around taking all the credit for my work. This is completely outrageous and I am of a mind to consider giving him a firm talking to. He even claims that his books have been a great success – His Books! Who works away in the scriptorium all day? Not him, that’s for sure. Be warned dear reader… https://selfpublishingadvice.org/sunday-self-publishing-success-story-howard-matthews/

To be released upon the world on August 25th, the ninth outing of the fully medieval, but barely detective, Brother Hermitage. Another 90-odd thousand words of confusion, chaos and death, much like life, really. Read about monks, read about Normans, read about Grimsby – it has everything the modern reader could possibly demand. And it’s very funny.

The Case of the Curious Corpse continues to amuse, with over 1,000 out there somewhere.

No sooner is a corpse dealt with than a carcass comes along. The Case of The Cantankerous Carcass nears completion and should be available in a matter of weeks: Poor Brother Hermitage has to investigate, even though the body is a bit less dead than normal.